Thursday, January 10, 2019


As the title states, Here is where I will give a brief rundown of the tools I use for 3D printing (there will be more in-depth posts later on, but this covers the basics). This post is essentially a list of the things I am currently using to do what I do. It will be updated with a summary each time I make an addition to my collection. 

My original 3D printer: The Replicator Knockoff
Actually, this is a knockoff of a knockoff. The machine is a CTC 3d printer which is derived from the flash forge creator, which is derived from the Makerbot Replicator. Despite this, the differences are small enough that I just refer to it as an original Replicator, and for a time, even updated it to run the stock Replicator firmware (before updating to sailfish later on). This machine is my workhorse. I have replaced both extruders with better 3D printed versions, and added RGB leds to the inside to illuminate the build area. The machine shipped with a large crack on the right front support of the frame but it works fine. To me, this adds some character to it.

My Homemade hodgepodge: The Rep-Rap Luria 
This machine was an experiment from the beginning. I wanted to build a decent printer as simply and as cost effectively as possible. I decided that the use of lead screws would be less of a hassle than the use of belts, so that is what I implemented. I also observed that in general, delta printers were faster, larger, and most importantly, simpler than their standard Cartesian cousins, so naturally, this printer became a delta. Once I had this printer up and running (after about 3 months of hard work), I soon realized why nobody combined lead screws and a delta positioning system before I did. The result was, although precise, slow and loud. I initially had the machine set up on the second floor of my home, and it vibrated so much, you could hear it through the floor in the room below. It was’t a complete success, but it makes reliable prints and is a great conversation piece (in certain occasions, it makes a great stool as well).

Kit made Filastruder:
Nothing unique about it. Includes complete filament factory setup. That is the unique part. This setup consists of the filastruder (obviously), the filament winder (Ian Johnson variety), the shredder of death, and the plastics dehydrator. I have only just finished this setup recently, so I have not had much experience with the whole workflow of plastics extruding/recycling/etc. 

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