Friday, July 19, 2019

Rotary Pusher Concept

After quite a large gap, I finally bring an update (rather short, I must say, but still an update). Today is another concept, but is is looking promising.

   This concept I bring to the table today is called the "Rotary Pusher". The key idea behind it is that per single revolution, the mechanism can push 3 times as many darts into flywheels as conventional pushing mechanisms, resulting in a higher rate of fire than other techniques. The system is also simpler, because there is no single "home" position for the pusher, so there is no need for a 3 switch setup. At least one of the arms will be in the back position at one time or another.

The biggest drawback to this system is that there needs to also be 3 magazines, 3 flywheel cages, and 6 individual motors to make use of this extra pushing power, resulting in what would look to be the size of a minigun or larger. Not the best in terms of practicality, but the intimidation factor would be very large.
In fact, I have already started work on a blaster that uses this system for dart feeding. I have dubbed it the Cerberus:

This blaster is still in the rudimentary stages, mind you, so what is seen here is far from the final product.

Take Two

I have had another great gap between posts, but let me assure you, this time was not wasted. During my apparent silence, I have been working...